BioInvent has one of the most exciting and unique cancer immunotherapy pipelines of any European biotech company. A solid scientific understanding, a clear clinical development strategy, and a robust capacity to execute plans have put the company on a very promising track to develop treatments capable of transforming the life of cancer patients.

BioInvent's unique development tool F.I.R.S.T™, where patient material is the foundation in the development process, simultaneously identifies the clinically most relevant targets in a disease model and matching antibodies. The proprietary antibody library n-CoDeR® contains antibodies that bind specifically and strongly to their targets.
GMP facilities in-house
BioInvent Manufacturing, the contract manufacturing business unit of BioInvent International AB, has a proven track record for clients and partners since 1988. Using single use technology for more than 25 years, BioInvent Manufacturing has produced drug substance for clinical trials in Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia.

The natural immune system is finely balanced. It defends us against infectious disease and the early manifestations of internal invasions such as cancer.
One of the great advantages of immunotherapy is the possibility that treatments can have long-term effects. Just as vaccinations prime the body to anticipate future infections, immuno-oncology treatments not only stimulate immediate attacks on tumors, they also establish tumor-specific immunological memory.

BioInvent is in a very attractive position with several value drivers
All pharmaceutical development is associated with risk. BioInvent manages these risks by a stringent portfolio management, a diversified approach to drug candidates and mechanisms of action, and by targeting a very attractive space in the pharmaceutical landscape. Partnerships within the big pharma community, solid ownership and a strong cash position give BioInvent a solid platform to continue its transformation.