BioInvents spjutspetsforskning är välerkänd genom högkvalitativa vetenskapliga publikationer.  Bolagets forskare har en dokumenterad historik av att accepteras för publicering i tidskrifter med så kallad "high-impact factor".

Aktuella nyheter/Senaste nytt

ESMO 2024 Posters 
Initial Clinical Results of BT-001, an Oncolytic Virus expressing an anti-CTLA4 mAb, Administered as Single agent and in Combination with Pembrolizumab in Patients with Advanced Solid TumorsBT-001
A Phase 1/2a First-in-Human Phase 1 Study of BI-1910, a Monoclonal Antibody Agonistic to TNFR2, as a Single Agent and in Combination with Pembrolizumab in Subjects with Advanced Solid TumorsBI-1910
PAGE 2024 Poster: 
Model-informed early clinical development of BI-1808, a novel monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor receptor 2BI-1808
EHA 2024 Poster:  
Safety and Preliminary Efficacy of BI-1206, an Antibody to CD32b (FcγRIIB), given in Combination with Rituximab in Subjects with Indolent B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma        BI-1206
ASCO 2024 Posters: 
BI-1808, en klinisk fas 1/2a-studie av BI-1808, en blockerare/depleterare av tumörnekrosfaktorreceptor 2 (TNFR2) med eller utan pembrolizumabBI-1808
Klinisk fas 1/2a-studie av BI-1206, en anti-CD32b (FcyRIIB)-antikropp, i kombination med pembrolizumab hos patienter med avancerade solida tumörer som tidigare behandlats med anti-PD-1/PD-L1BI-1206


Antalet vetenskapliga publikationer

Figur. BioInvents spjutspetsforskning. Ovan graf visar det sammanlagda antalet av BioInvents publikationer under perioden 2013-december 2023. Nedanstående graf visar antalet citeringar av BioInvents high impact-faktor-publikationer per område.

n-CoDeR® & F.I.R.S.T.™ Antibody and Target Discovery platform

  • Soderlind et al., Recombining germline-derived CDR sequences for creating diverse single-framework antibody libraries. Nat Biotechnol 18, 852-856 (2000).
  • Veitonmaki et al., A human ICAM-1 antibody isolated by a function-first approach has potent macrophage-dependent antimyeloma activity in vivo. Cancer Cell 23, 502-515 (2013).
  • Frendeus, Function-first antibody discovery: Embracing the unpredictable biology of antibodies. Oncoimmunology 2, e25047 (2013).
  • Ljungars et al., A platform for phenotypic discovery of therapeutic antibodies and targets applied on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Nature Precis Oncol 2, 18 (2018).
  • Mattsson et al., Accelerating target deconvolution for therapeutic antibody candidates using highly parallelized genome editing. Nat Commun 12, 1277 (2021).


  • Simpson AP, Roghanian A, Oldham RJ, Chan HTC, Penfold CA, Kim HJ, Inzhelevskaya T, Mockridge CI, Cox KL, Bogdanov YD, James S, Tutt AL, Rycroft D, Morley P, Dahal LN, Teige I, Frendeus B, Beers SA, Cragg MS. FcGRIIB controls antibody-mediated target cell depletion by ITIM-dependent mechanisms. Cell Rep. 2022 Jul 19;40(3):111099. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111099. Free PMC article.Roghanian et al., Antagonistic human FcgammaRIIB (CD32B) antibodies have anti-tumor activity and overcome resistance to antibody therapy in vivo. Cancer Cell 27, 473-488 (2015)
  • Hussain et al., Upregulation of FcgammaRIIb on monocytes is necessary to promote the superagonist activity of TGN1412. Blood 125, 102-110 (2015).
  • Hussain et al., HIF activation enhances FcgammaRIIb expression on mononuclear phagocytes impeding tumor targeting antibody immunotherapy. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 41, 131 (2022).
  • C. Jiang et al., Targeting FcgammaRIIB by antagonistic antibody BI-1206 improves the efficacy of rituximab-based therapies in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma. J Hematol Oncol 15, 42 (2022).
  • Teige, L. Martensson, B. L. Frendeus, Targeting the Antibody Checkpoints to Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy-Focus on FcgammaRIIB. Front Immunol 10, 481 (2019).
  • Trend et al., FcgammaRIIb Expression Is Decreased on Naive and Marginal Zone-Like B Cells From Females With Multiple Sclerosis. Front Immunol 11, 614492 (2020).
  • L. Tutt et al., Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Mouse and Human Fcgamma Receptors. J Immunol 195, 5503-5516 (2015).
  • T. Vaughan et al., Inhibitory FcgammaRIIb (CD32b) becomes activated by therapeutic mAb in both cis and trans and drives internalization according to antibody specificity. Blood 123, 669-677 (2014).


  • Arce Vargas et al., Fc Effector Function Contributes to the Activity of Human Anti-CTLA-4 Antibodies. Cancer Cell 33, 649-663 e644 (2018).
  • L. Buchan et al., Antibodies to Costimulatory Receptor 4-1BB Enhance Anti-tumor Immunity via T Regulatory Cell Depletion and Promotion of CD8 T Cell Effector Function. Immunity 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.09.014 (2018).
  • Griffiths et al., Domain binding and isotype dictate the activity of anti-human OX40 antibodies. J Immunother Cancer 8 (2020).
  • Semmrich et al., Vectorized Treg-depleting anti-CTLA-4 elicits antigen cross-presentation and CD8+ T cell immunity to reject “cold” tumors. J Immunother Cancer 10.1136/jitc-2021-003488 (2022).

Myeloid cells

  • Li et al., Targeting oxidized LDL improves insulin sensitivity and immune cell function in obese Rhesus macaques. Mol Metab 2, 256-269 (2013).
  • Schiopu et al., Recombinant antibodies to an oxidized low-density lipoprotein epitope induce rapid regression of atherosclerosis in apobec-1(-/-)/low-density lipoprotein receptor(-/-) mice. J Am Coll Cardiol 50, 2313-2318 (2007).
  • Yeboah et al., LILRB3 (ILT5) is a myeloid cell checkpoint that elicits profound immunomodulation. JCI Insight 5 (2020).

Clinical development 

  • Hansson et al., A Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of Antibody BI-505 in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res 21, 2730-2736 (2015).
  • Lehrer-Graiwer et al., FDG-PET imaging for oxidized LDL in stable atherosclerotic disease: a phase II study of safety, tolerability, and anti-inflammatory activity. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 8, 493-494 (2015).
  • Wichert et al., A single-arm, open-label, phase 2 clinical trial evaluating disease response following treatment with BI-505, a human anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 monoclonal antibody, in patients with smoldering multiple myeloma. PLoS One 12, e0171205 (2017).


  1. E. Soderlind et al., Recombining germline-derived CDR sequences for creating diverse single-framework antibody libraries. Nat Biotechnol 18, 852-856 (2000).
  2. N. Veitonmaki et al., A human ICAM-1 antibody isolated by a function-first approach has potent macrophage-dependent antimyeloma activity in vivo. Cancer Cell 23, 502-515 (2013).
  3. B. Frendeus, Function-first antibody discovery: Embracing the unpredictable biology of antibodies. Oncoimmunology 2, e25047 (2013).
  4. A. Ljungars et al., A platform for phenotypic discovery of therapeutic antibodies and targets applied on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. NPJ Precis Oncol 2, 18 (2018).
  5. J. Mattsson et al., Accelerating target deconvolution for therapeutic antibody candidates using highly parallelized genome editing. Nat Commun 12, 1277 (2021).
  6. A. Roghanian et al., Antagonistic human FcgammaRIIB (CD32B) antibodies have anti-tumor activity and overcome resistance to antibody therapy in vivo. Cancer Cell 27, 473-488 (2015).
  7. K. Hussain et al., Upregulation of FcgammaRIIb on monocytes is necessary to promote the superagonist activity of TGN1412. Blood 125, 102-110 (2015).
  8. K. Hussain et al., HIF activation enhances FcgammaRIIb expression on mononuclear phagocytes impeding tumor targeting antibody immunotherapy. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 41, 131 (2022).
  9. V. C. Jiang et al., Targeting FcgammaRIIB by antagonistic antibody BI-1206 improves the efficacy of rituximab-based therapies in aggressive mantle cell lymphoma. J Hematol Oncol 15, 42 (2022).
  10. I. Teige, L. Martensson, B. L. Frendeus, Targeting the Antibody Checkpoints to Enhance Cancer Immunotherapy-Focus on FcgammaRIIB. Front Immunol 10, 481 (2019).
  11. S. Trend et al., FcgammaRIIb Expression Is Decreased on Naive and Marginal Zone-Like B Cells From Females With Multiple Sclerosis. Front Immunol 11, 614492 (2020).
  12. A. L. Tutt et al., Development and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for Mouse and Human Fcgamma Receptors. J Immunol 195, 5503-5516 (2015).
  13. A. T. Vaughan et al., Inhibitory FcgammaRIIb (CD32b) becomes activated by therapeutic mAb in both cis and trans and drives internalization according to antibody specificity. Blood 123, 669-677 (2014).
  14. F. Arce Vargas et al., Fc Effector Function Contributes to the Activity of Human Anti-CTLA-4 Antibodies. Cancer Cell 33, 649-663 e644 (2018).
  15. S. L. Buchan et al., Antibodies to Costimulatory Receptor 4-1BB Enhance Anti-tumor Immunity via T Regulatory Cell Depletion and Promotion of CD8 T Cell Effector Function. Immunity 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.09.014 (2018).
  16. J. Griffiths et al., Domain binding and isotype dictate the activity of anti-human OX40 antibodies. J Immunother Cancer 8 (2020).
  17. M. Semmrich et al., Vectorized Treg-depleting anti-CTLA-4 elicits antigen cross-presentation and CD8+ T cell immunity to reject “cold” tumors. J Immunother Cancer 10.1136/jitc-2021-003488 (2022).
  18. S. Li et al., Targeting oxidized LDL improves insulin sensitivity and immune cell function in obese Rhesus macaques. Mol Metab 2, 256-269 (2013).
  19. A. Schiopu et al., Recombinant antibodies to an oxidized low-density lipoprotein epitope induce rapid regression of atherosclerosis in apobec-1(-/-)/low-density lipoprotein receptor(-/-) mice. J Am Coll Cardiol 50, 2313-2318 (2007).
  20. M. Yeboah et al., LILRB3 (ILT5) is a myeloid cell checkpoint that elicits profound immunomodulation. JCI Insight 5 (2020).
  21. M. Hansson et al., A Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of Antibody BI-505 in Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Clin Cancer Res 21, 2730-2736 (2015).
  22. J. Lehrer-Graiwer et al., FDG-PET imaging for oxidized LDL in stable atherosclerotic disease: a phase II study of safety, tolerability, and anti-inflammatory activity. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 8, 493-494 (2015).
  23. S. Wichert et al., A single-arm, open-label, phase 2 clinical trial evaluating disease response following treatment with BI-505, a human anti-intercellular adhesion molecule-1 monoclonal antibody, in patients with smoldering multiple myeloma. PLoS One 12, e0171205 (2017).

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